There is a renewing of the mind

There is a “Renewing of the Mind” such that you are controlling thoughts, memorizing bible verses’, attempting to replace thoughts with those verses’ or other good things, hoping they will sink in and finally be one with you… They get you a little further along the way…. Be-careful there is “Good Branch’s” on the same tree as the “Evil Branches”….

There is another kind of “Renewing of the Mind” that comes from experiencing God, hearing things that may not be words or sentences but might be those too. This occurs in the 3D media room of your mind. This is what you are looking for.

I have memorized very few Bible Verses but yet I have zero doubt my “Mind has been Renewed”.

The man I was in Leisha’s and my video is gone. He snuck out on me, I didn’t hear the door close behind him. He melted away to where I have no idea…