Monthly Archives: December 2014

Calling all Angles

This Christmas I am going to admit something outside of my own head. Meaning I am going to vocalize it. I already started it actually by telling my life’s partner, Leisha. I don’t really like Christmas. Now don’t get me wrong, I love the ideas behind Christ Mas, the birth stuff. I just don’t like what it represents in my/our culture. All the spending, the goofy movies, the lights are ok, everyone is so happy but yet pushy and even if they are not pushy they often are only friendly, happy, for now. What’s up with that ???? I would actually prefer more of a year of more genuine kindness under less pressure without the fake happiness under pressure that leads to pushiness. I would trade for that. Just a community that is kind under normal times all year. I know I’m not alone, but I’m not going to call anyone out, force them to join in my chorus.

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