Monthly Archives: November 2014

A quick thought on freedom

Salvation, sozo to be made whole, and “programs” and churches that pursue that more whole is not only for the really broken people…

It is also for the human that got “saved” (conversion), decades ago and who spent all those decades in the church doing great things..

Everyone means exactly that, EVERYONE,  can use some more of this wholeness stuff. In fact “the churched” might be some of the most difficult “more wholeness” type of people one can deal with.  Its really easy to be full of anger and know there has to be another way.  A man rich in long time church might be very similar to the rich man trying to pass through the eye of the needle.

Having said that as soon as you begin to ask yourself about wholeness, you can quickly begin to say to yourself to be more whole I need to be free from __________

And….the kind of freedom that makes you more whole is not found in the “From”… for the really broken or the not so seemingly so.

The Word Became Flesh – Part 1


I read a lot of books about the Bible because I just don’t think on the kinds of levels a lot of book writers think at.   I have pondered this question for near 35 years and I have never read in the Bible or from any author the answer as to why in as simple but as powerful answer as this.  Left on my own this is what happens too often for too long.  I had to post it to my blog – #Floored.

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