From Bill Johnson.

There is something powerful that happened in King David’s life before he was ever a King.  I feel like I am supposed to summon a generation to a private world and to a public world.  A private world that is deep and intimate and a public world that is very bold and very focused.

And I am wanting to challenge you to this tonight.

David before he was ever King was a Shepard boy.  You know the stories well, those of us who were raised in church. And David Killed a Lion and a Bear as he was watching over his father’s sheep.  A lion would attack the sheep and he would grab it by the beard and kill it. You got to have an attitude to kill a lion and then a bear.

But the thing that hit me so strong was when I realized he killed the lion and the bear when nobody was watching and that is what qualified him to kill Goliath when two nations where watching.

He is looking for people who get private victories in secret places, that are not for the audience or the applause of man.  But they are simply because I have taken a stand for the name of the Lord.

I have seen triumphs, I have seen a personal history get developed, When no one is watching where no one can give a pat on the back and say Good Job good Prayer Life Bill.

Because if you make history when no one is watching, he will make history through you when everyone is watching.