Some thoughts on the journey into Vunerability

Vulnerability is such a hard topic to get right. A lot is written about it and just because you read those things doesn’t mean you will get it right for you… I know that from experience.

Leisha and I have been on a 10 month purposeful discussion, journey, adventure into the depths of what that means for us to be vulnerable to each other. I could say a lot by now… but then the first sentence above would probably apply to you…here are some guide post “I think”, not sure just yet…

1) it is only when you are vulnerable do people really see the real you. An un-vulnerable person has all sorts of walls and props put up to hide behind, hold themselves up and be something other than that real person. There is usually a lot of pride tied into that state of being.

2) If you are in love with the un-vulnerable person then you are are not really in love with the real person.

3). If you are not settled enough in your own skin and thus not being vulnerable, you might be difficult to be truly in loved…. (see 1)

4). It just might be that the only real way to be a healthy vulnerable you is in a transforming relationship with Jesus Christ. It just might be all other you’s are a facade.

Free people Free people
Hurting People Hurt People

It is due to some massive breakthroughs on this one point this last weekend I made this and posted it…. Months and months of discussion, practice, some anger, ohhhh lots and lots and lots of prayer and some frustration then finally….breakthrough. Its no small journey.

My Love