What good is knowledge ?

I have been so aggressive pursuing knowledge of “Him” for the last two years. Really this is not bragging, I am just that way, I run hard at something that I decide to do. Old friends tell me this all the time….. we have a large church and I talk to people, I ask them things in various ways, things that tell me how they spend their time. I am just bizarre in how much I try to absorb…. After all of that effort the following is a little difficult to absorb and confusing in some ways.

I have acquired over 1000 books on the bible and Christianity in 2 years, and I have tried to read as many as I could…

One thing I am really beginning to understand, it’s worth nothing. I don’t mean zero nothing but it’s not knowledge that comes to your rescue in your difficult moments. As a matter of fact too much knowledge of too many things at once can add to confusion in difficult times. It really is his presence, knowing HIM… and knowledge around that is not worth too much either… there are some specific keys, but you don’t have to have mountains of knowledge !!!!!

It’s also the presence of another lover of “Him” like your wife, your friends or your pastor….

That is where the rubber meets the road…. In those regards I am at my most fortunate place I have ever been. I have been “found” by “Him and a large church of people who are the same….. And I have a crazy good wife, a true friend, a deep lover of “Him” !